Information found through research on the internet:
The documentary expressly brings audiences’ attention to four main principles:
1) Culture always builds on the past.
2) The past always tries to control the future.
3) Our future is becoming less free.
4) To build free societies you must limit the control of the past.
Some basic Definitions:
Intellectual property: Anything created using the intellect. This includes ideas, melodies, or mechanical devices.
Copyright: The right to copy and use a piece of intellectual property. Copyright is a commodity that can be bought, rented, or borrowed. It can also be illegally usurped.
Public Domain: The set of all intellectual property that is not controlled by copyright.
Mix-Ups: A new pieces of art made from sampled bits of old pieces of art. Sometimes there are thousands of sampled pieces in a new mix-up.
Mash-Up: A new piece of art made in part or in whole from ideas of old pieces of art.
Re-mix: A new piece of art made in part or in whole from old pieces
of art.